June 9-13, 1997
IPMI 97 is the XVth in the series of biennial conferences on Information Processing in Medical Imaging and follows the successful 1995 meeting in Brest, France. Computational techniques play a vital and ever expanding role in medical imaging. This conference is the latest in a series of unique and important meetings where new developments in the acquisition, analysis and display of medical images are presented, discussed, dissected and extended.
The meeting is held in the style of a workshop. By tradition, attendance is by application, and will be limited to 130 people for 1997. All participants are expected to make an active contribution by presenting papers, posters or demonstrations, and by joining discussions. There are no parallel sessions. Generous time is allocated to speakers and for discussion.
First Announcement and Call For Papers
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James Duncan, Yale University
Gene Gindi, SUNY - Stony Brook