IPAG Dissertation Archive
A Dissertation
Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School
Yale University
in Candidacy for the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
Ravi Bansal
Dissertation Director: James Scott Duncan
May 2000
To further improve the estimated segmentation of the portal images and the accuracy of the estimated registration parameters, correlation among the image pixel intensities is modeled using a one{dimensional Markov random process. Line processes are incorporated in the Markov random process model which estimate the edges between the segmented regions. As a future research direction, we propose to incorporate the estimated edges in the min step to further improve the registration. The proposed framework is independent of the image dataset and hence, in general, can be straightforwardly extended to register any low resolution, low contrast image to a high resolution, high contrast image.
@PhDthesis(BansalThesis, author = "Ravi Bansal", title = "Information Theoretic Integrated Segmentation and Registration of Dual 2D Portal Images and 3D CT Images", school = "Yale University", month = "May", year = "2000")
The complete text of the thesis is available as a .pdf file. (315 pages, 4.2 MB)
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