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Multiframe Estimation of Non-Rigid Motion from Image Sequences
A Dissertation
Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School
Yale University
in Candidacy for the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
John Colin McEachen II
Dissertation Director: James Scott Duncan
May 1996
A robust, flexible system for tracking the point to point non-rigid
motion of deformable objects in image sequences has been developed.
This system is unique in its ability to model deformations across
multiple frames. The foundation of this system is an adaptive
transversal filter based on the recursive least-squares algorithm.
This filter facilitates the integration of models for periodicity and
proximal smoothness as appropriate using a contour-based description
of the object's boundaries. The primary motivation for this work is
characterization of cardiac left-ventricular (LV) endocardial wall
motion. Knowledge of the correspondence between two given frames from
an image sequence of the cardiac cycle allows precise description of
the associated motion of the heart and measurement of physical
parameters that aid in analysis of the heart's dynamics. This is
critical in identifying abnormal myocardial contraction in the LV due
to heart disease. A set of correspondences between contours and an
associated set of correspondence quality measures comprise the input
to the system. Two methods of correspondence relative to cardiac
motion are examined. The first uses similarity of shape between
contour segments as a match metric. The second combines instantaneous
estimates of velocity, acquired through phase contrast magnetic
resonance (MR) imaging, with the shape matching process.
Frame-to-frame relationships from two different frames of reference
are derived and analyzed using synthetic and actual images. Two
multiframe temporal models, both based on a sum of sinusoids, are
derived. Illustrative examples of the system's output are presented
for quantitative analysis. Validation of the system is performed by
comparing computed trajectory estimates with the trajectories of
physical markers implanted in the LV wall. Sample case studies of
marker trajectory comparisons are presented. Ensemble statistics from
comparisons with 15 marker trajectories are acquired and analyzed. A
multiframe temporal model without spatial periodic constraints was
determined to provide excellent performance with the least
computational cost. A multiframe spatiotemporal model provided the
best performance based on statistical standard deviation, although at
significant computational expense. Extensions of the system to LV
function analysis, tracking motion in surface sequences, and tracking
non-rigid motion in neurite growth cones are outlined.
BibTeX Entry
author = "J. C. McEachen II",
title = "Multiframe Estimation of Non-Rigid Motion from Image Sequences",
school = "Yale University",
month = "May",
year = "1996")
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