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Segmentation of Anatomical Structure
Paper List
- Segmentation and Measurement of the
Cortex from 3D MR Images Using Coupled Surfaces Propagation. X. Zeng, L.H.Staib, R.T.Schultz and J.S.Duncan. TMI Oct 99.
- A New Approach to 3D Sulcal Ribbon
Finding from MR Images. X.Zeng, L.H.Staib, R.T.Schultz, H.Tagare, L.Win and J.S.Duncan. MICCAI' 99.
- Segmentation and Measurementof the
Cortex from 3D MR Images. X. Zeng, L.H.Staib, R.T.Schultz and J.S.Duncan. MICCAI' 98.
- Boundary finding with correspondence using statistical shape models. Y. Wang and L. H. Staib. CVPR' 98
- Volumetric Layer Segmentation Using Coupled Surfaces Propagation. X. Zeng, L.H.Staib, R.T.Schultz and J.S.Duncan. CVPR' 98
- On Multi-Feature Integration for Deformable Boundary Finding. A. Chakraborty, Marcel Worring and J. Duncan. ICCV' 95.
- Integration of Boundary Finding and Region-Based Segmentation Using Game Theory. A. Chakraborty, and J. S. Duncan. IPMI' 95.
See also: The IPAG Dissertation Archive.
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X. Zeng, L.H.Staib, R.T.Schultz and J.S.Duncan.
In IEEE Trans. on
Medical Imaging, October, 1999.
The cortex is the outermost thin layer of gray matter in the brain;
geometric measurement of the cortex helps in understanding brain
anatomy and function. In the quantitat ive analysis of the cortex from
MR images, extracting the structure and obtaining a representation for
various measurements are key steps. While manual segmentation is t
edious and labor intensive, automatic, reliable and efficient
segmentation and measurement of the cortex remain challenging problems
due to its convoluted nature. Here w e present a new approach of
coupled surfaces propagation using level set methods to address such
problems. Our method is motivated by the nearly constant thickness of
t he cortical mantle and takes this tight coupling as an important
constraint. By evolving two embedded surfaces simultaneously, each
driven by its own image-derived inform ation while maintaining the
coupling, a final representation of the cortical bounding surfaces and
an automatic segmentation of the cortex are achieved. Characteristics
of the cortex such as cortical surface area, surface curvature and
cortical thickness are then evaluated. The level set implementation of
surface propagation offers the adv antage of easy initialization,
computational efficiency and the ability to capture deep sulcal
folds. Results and validation from various experiments on both
simulated and real 3D MR images are provided.
BibTeX Entry
author ="X. Zeng and L. H. Staib and R. T. Schultz and
J. S. Duncan",
title ="Segmentation and Measurement of the Cortex from 3{D} {MR}
Images Using Coupled Surfaces Propagation",
journal="IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging",
year ="1999",
month ="October",
pages ="100-111"}
X.Zeng, L.H.Staib, R.T.Schultz,
H.Tagare, L.Win and J.S.Duncan.
In Proceedings of the Second
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and
Computer-Assisted Intervention, September 1999.
Sulcal medial surfaces are 3D thin convoluted ribbons embedded in
cortical sulci, and they provide distinctive anatomical features
of the brain. Here we propose a new approach to automatic
intrasulcal ribbon finding, following our work on cortex
segmentation with coupled surfaces via level set methods, where
the outer cortical surface is embedded as the zero level set of
a high-dimensional distance function. Through the utilization
of this distance function, we are able to formulate the sulcal
ribbon finding problem as one of surface deformation, thus
avoiding possible control problems in other work using sliding
contour models. Using dynamic programming and deformable surface
models, our method requires little manual intervention and
results parameterized sulcal ribbon surfaces in nearly
real-time. Though a natural follow up to our earlier
segmentation work, we describe how it can be applied with
general segmentation methods. We also present quantitative
results on 15 MR brain images.
BibTeX Entry
author ="X. Zeng and L. H. Staib and R. T. Schultz and
H. Tagare and L. Win and J. S. Duncan",
title ="A new approach to 3{D} sulcal ribbon finding from
{MR} images",
pages ="148-157",
booktitle="Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted
Intervention ",
year ="1999",
address ="Cambridge, UK"}
X. Zeng, L.H.Staib, R.T.Schultz and J.S.Duncan.
In Proceedings of
the First International Conference on Medical Image Computing and
Computer-Assisted Intervention, October, 1998.
The cortex is the outermost thin layer of gray matter in the brain;
geometric measurement of the cortex helps in understanding brain
anatomy and function. In the quantitative analysis of the cortex
from MR images, extracting the structure and obtaining a
representation for various measurements are key steps. While
manual segmentation is tedious and labor intensive, automatic,
reliable and efficient segmentation and measurement of the
cortex remain challenging problems due to its convoluted
nature. A new approach of coupled surfaces propagation using
level set methods is presented here for the problem of the
segmentation and measurement of the cortex. Our method is
motivated by the nearly constant thickness of the cortical
mantle and takes this tight coupling as an important
constraint. By evolving two embedded surfaces simultaneously,
each driven by its own image-derived information while
maintaining the coupling, a final representation of the cortical
bounding surfaces and an automatic segmentation of the cortex
are achieved. Characteristics of the cortex such as cortical
surface area, surface curvature and thickness are then
evaluated. The level set implementation of surface propagation
offers the advantage of easy initialization, computational
efficiency and the ability to capture deep folds of the
sulci. Results and validation from various experiments on
simulated and real 3D MR images are provided.
BibTeX Entry
author = "X. Zeng and L. H. Staib and R. T. Schultz and J. S. Duncan",
title = "Segmentation and measurement of the cortex from {3{D} MR} images",
pages = "519-530",
booktitle ="Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted
Intervention ",
year = "1998",
address = "MIT"}
Y. Wang and L. H. Staib
In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Stanta Barbara, CA, June
We propose an approach for boundary
finding where the correspondence of a subset of boundary points to a
model is simultaneously determined. Global shape parameters derived
from the statistical variation of object boundary points in a training
set are used to model the object. A Bayesian formulation, based on
this prior knowledge and the edge information of the input image, is
employed to find the object boundary with its subset points in
correspondence with boundaries in the training set or the mean
We compared the use of a generic smoothness prior and a uniform
independent prior with the training set prior in order to demonstrate
the power of this statistical information.
A number of experiments were performed on both synthetic and real
medical images of the brain and heart to evaluate the approach,
including the validation of the dependence of the method on image
quality, different initialization and prior information.
BibTeX Entry
author = "Y. Wang and L. H. Staib",
title = "Boundary finding with correspondence using statistical shape models",
pages = "338-345",
booktitle ="Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition",
year = "June 1998",
address = "Santa Barbara, CA"}
X. Zeng, L.H.Staib, R.T.Schultz and J.S.Duncan.
Proceedings of the
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1998.
The problem of segmenting a volumetric layer of finite thickness is
encountered in several important areas within medical image
analysis. Key examples include the extrac tion of the cortical gray
matter of the brain and the left ventricle myocardium of the
heart. The coupling between the two bounding surfaces of such a layer
provides impo rtant information that helps to solve the segmentation
problem. Here we propose a new approach of coupled surfaces
propagation via level set methods, which takes into ac count coupling
as an important constraint. By evolving two embedded surfaces
simultaneously, each driven by its own image-derived information while
maintaining the coupl ing, we capture a representation of the two
bounding surfaces and achieve automatic segmentation on the layer.
Characteristic gray level values, instead of image gra dient
information alone, are incorporated in deriving the useful image
information to drive the surface propagation, which enables our
approach to capture the homogenei ty inside the layer. The level set
implementation offers the advantage of easy initialization,
computational efficiency and the ability to capture deep folds of the
su lci. As a test example, we apply our approach to unedited 3D
Magnetic Resonance(MR) brain images. Our algorithm automatically
isolates the brain from non-brain structur es and recovers the
cortical gray matter.
BibTeX Entry
author = "X. Zeng and L. H. Staib and R. T. Schultz and
J. S. Duncan",
title = "Volumetric layer segmentation using coupled
surfaces propagation",
pages = "708-715",
booktitle ="Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition",
year = "1998",
address = "Santa Barbara, CA"}
A. Chakraborty, Marcel Worring and J. Duncan.
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 1995.
Precise segmentation of underlying objects in an image is very
important especially for biomedical image analysis. Here, we present
an integrated approach for boundary finding using region and curvature
information along with the gradient. Unlike the previous methods,
where smoothing is enforced by penalizing curvature, here the grey
level curvature is used as an extra source of information. However,
information fusion may not be useful unless used properly. To address
that, we present results that highlight the pros and cons of using the
various sources of information and indicate when one should get
precedence over the others.
BibTeX Entry
author="A. Chakraborty and M. Worring and J. S. Duncan",
title="On Multi-Feature Integration for Deformable Boundary Finding",
A. Chakraborty, and J. S. Duncan
Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI) 1995.
Robust segmentation of structures from an image is essential for a var
iety of applications in biomedical image analysis. Here we propose a
method that integrates region based segmentation and gradient based
boundary finding using game theory in an effort to form a unified
approach that is robust to noise and poor initialization. The novelty
of the method is that this is a bi-directional framework whereby the
two seperate modules improve their results through mutual information
BibTeX Entry
author="A. Chakraborty and J.S. Duncan",
title ="Integration of Boundary Finding and Region-based
Segmentation Using Game Theory",
booktitle="XIVth International Conference on Information
Processing in Medical Imaging",
publisher="Kluwer press",
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