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Analysis of Cardiac Motion and Deformation
Paper List
- The Active Elastic Model.
Xenophon Papademetris, E. Turan Onat, Albert J. Sinusas, Donald
P. Dione, R. Todd Constable and James S. Duncan. IPMI 2001
- Estimation of 3D Left
Ventricular Deformation from Echocardiography. Xenophon
Papademetris, Albert J. Sinusas, Donald P. Dione and James
S. Duncan. Medical Image Analysis. In-Press. (Mar 2001).
- Estimating 3D Strain from 4D Cine-MRI and Echocardiography: In-Vivo Validation.
Xenophon Papademetris, Albert J. Sinusas, Donald P. Dione, R. Todd Constable and James S. Duncan. MICCAI' 2000
- Cardiac Image Analysis: Motion
and DeformationXenophon Papademetris and James
.S. Duncan. SPIE Handbook on Medical Imaging - Volume III: Medical
Image Processing and Analysis.
- 3D Cardiac Deformation from Ultrasound
Images. Xenophon Papademetris, Albert J. Sinusas, Donald P. Dione
and James S. Duncan. MICCAI' 99.
- Volumetric Deformation Analysis Using
Mechanics--Based Data Fusion: Applications in Cardiac Motion
Recovery. Pengcheng Shi, Albert J. Sinusas, R. Todd Constable and
James S. Duncan. IJCV Nov 1999.
- Recovery of Soft Tissue Object Deformation
using Biomechanical Models. Xenophon Papademetris, Pengcheng Shi,
Donald P. Dione, Albert J. Sinusas, R. Todd Constable, and James
S. Duncan. IPMI' 99.(For an expanded version see the Technical Report.)
- Point-Tracked Quantitative Analysis of Left
Ventricular Motion from 3D Image Sequences. Pengcheng Shi, Albert
J. Sinusas, R. Todd Constable Eric Ritman and James S. Duncan. TMI January 2000
- Physical and geometrical modeling for image-based
recovery of left ventricular deformation. J.S. Duncan, P.Shi,
R.T. Constable, and A.J. Sinusas. PBMB 1998 69(2-3).
- Visually Interactive Cine-3D Segmentation of
Cardiac MR Images. Xenophon Papademetris, James Rambo, Donald
P. Dione, Albert J. Sinusas and James S. Duncan. ACC' 98.
- Tracking Myocardial Deformation Using Phase
Contrast MR Velocity Fields: A Stochastic Approach. Meyer F.G.,
Constable R.T., Sinusas A.J., Duncan J.S. TMI' Aug 1996.
- A Model-Based Integrated Approach to Track
Myocardial Deformation Using Displacement and Velocity
Constraints. Pengcheng Shi, Glynn Robinson, R. Todd Constable,
Albert J. Sinusas and James S. Duncan. ICCV' 95.
- A Unified Framework to Assess Myocardial
Function from 4D Images. Pengcheng Shi, Glynn P. Robinson, Amit
Chakraborty, Lawrence H. Staib, R. Todd Constable, Albert J. Sinusas
and James S. Duncan. CVRMed' 95.
- A Recursive Filter for Phase Velocity Assisted
Shape-based Tracking of Cardiac Non-rigid Motion. J. McEachen,
F. Meyer,R. Constable, A. Nehorai and J.S. Duncan. ICCV' 95.
- Myocardial Motion and Function Assessment Using 4D
Images. P. Shi, G. Robinson, and J. Duncan. VBC' 94.
- Analysis of Cardiac Motion with Recursive Comb
Filtering. J. McEachen, A. Nehorai and J.S. Duncan. SPIE' 94.
- Three-dimensional regional left ventricular
deformation from digital sonomicrometry. D.P. Dione, P.Shi,
W.Smith, P.De Man, J.Soares, J.S. Duncan, and A.J. Sinusas. EMBS' 1997.
- Three dimensional digital sonomicrometry:
Comparison with biplane radiography. D. Meoli, R. Mazhari,
D. P. Dione, J. Omens, A. McCulloch, and A. J. Sinusas. NE Bioeng 1998.
See also: The IPAG Dissertation Archive.
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Xenophon Papademetris, E. Turan Onat, Albert J. Sinusas, Donald
P. Dione, R. Todd Constable and James S. Duncan.
To appear in the proceedings of Information Processing in Medical Imaging
(IPMI), 2001.
Continuum mechanical models have been used to regularize ill-posed problems
in many applications in medical imaging analysis such as image registration
and left ventricular motion estimation. In this work, we present a
significant extension to the common elastic model which we call the
\emph{active elastic model}. The active elastic model is designed to reduce
bias in deformation estimation and to allow the imposition of proper priors
on deformation estimation problems that contain information regarding both
the expected magnitude and the expected variability of the deformation to
be estimated. We test this model on the problem of left ventricular
deformation estimation, and present ideas for its application in image
registration and brain deformation during neurosurgery.
BibTeX Entry
author = "X. Papademetris and E. T. Onat and A. J. Sinusas and
D. P. Dione and R. T. Constable, J. S. Duncan",
title = "The Active Elastic Model",
booktitle = "Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI)",
year = "2001",
month = "June"}
Xenophon Papademetris, Albert
J. Sinusas, Donald P. Dione and James S. Duncan.
Medical Image Analysis. In-press (March 2001)
The quantitative estimation of regional cardiac deformation from 3D image
sequences has important clinical implications for the assessment of
viability in the heart wall. Such estimates have so far been obtained
almost exclusively from Magnetic Resonance (MR) images, specifically MR
tagging. In this paper we describe a methodology for estimating cardiac
deformations from 3D echocardiography (3DE). The images are segmented
interactively and then initial correspondence is established using a
shape-tracking approach. A dense motion field is then estimated using an
anisotropic linear elastic model, which accounts for the fiber directions
in the left ventricle. The dense motion field is in turn used to calculate
the deformation of the heart wall in terms of strain in cardiac specific
directions. The strains obtained using this approach in open-chest dogs
before and after coronary occlusion, show good agreement with previously
published results in the literature. They also exhibit a high correlation
with strains produced in the same animals using implanted
sonomicrometers. This proposed method provides quantitative regional 3D
estimates of heart deformation from ultrasound images.
BibTeX Entry
author ="X. Papademetris and A. J. Sinusas and D. P. Dione and J. S. Duncan",
title ="Estimation of {3D} Left Ventricular Deformation from Echocardiography",
journal="Medical Image Analysis",
year ="in-press"}
The accompanying quicktime movies are also available.
Xenophon Papademetris, Albert J. Sinusas, Donald P. Dione, R. Todd Constable and James S. Duncan.
In the proceedings of MICCAI' 2000 to-appear
The quantitative estimation of regional cardiac deformation from 3D image
sequences has important clinical implications for the assessment of
myocardial viability. The validation of such image-derived estimates,
however, is a non-trivial problem as it is very difficult to obtain ground
truth. In this work we present an approach to validating strain estimates
derived from 3D cine-Magnetic Resonance (MR) and 3D Echocardiography (3DE)
images using our previously-developed shape-based tracking algorithm. The
images are segmented interactively and then initial correspondence is
established using a shape-tracking approach. A dense motion field is then
estimated using a transversely linear elastic model, which accounts for the
fiber directions in the left ventricle. The dense motion field is in turn
used to calculate the deformation of the heart wall in terms of
strains. The strains obtained using our algorithm are compared to strains
estimated using implanted markers and sonomicrometers, which are used as
the gold standards. These preliminary studies show encouraging results.
BibTeX Entry
author = "X. Papademetris and A. J. Sinusas and
D. P. Dione and R. T. Constable, J. S. Duncan",
title = "Estimating 3D Strain from 4D Cine-MRI and Echocardiography: In-Vivo Validation",
booktitle = "Medical Image Computing and Computer Aided Intervention (MICCAI)",
address = "Pittsburgh, U.S.A.",
year = "2000",
month = "October"}
Xenophon Papademetris and James .S. Duncan
Handbook on Medical Imaging - Volume III: Medical Image Processing and
Analysis. June 2000.
In this chapter, we describe research in the area of estimation of
cardiac motion and deformation from medical images. We focus primarily
on the use of 3D mag-netic resonance image sequences, but we will also
discuss the application of some methods to ultrafast CT and 3D echo.
BibTeX Entry
author = {X. Papademetris and J. S. Duncan},
title = {Cardiac Image Analysis: Motion and Deformation},
editor = {J. M. Fitzpatrick and M. Sonka},
booktitle = {SPIE Handbook on Medical Imaging - Volume III: Medical Image Processing and
publisher = {SPIE},
year = {2000})
Xenophon Papademetris, Albert
J. Sinusas, Donald P. Dione and James S. Duncan.
In the
proceedings of the Second International Conference on Medical Image
Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, Cambridge England,
September 1999.
The quantitative estimation of regional cardiac deformation from
3D image sequences has important clinical implications for the
assessment of viability in the heart wall. Such estimates have
so far been obtained almost exclusively from Magnetic Resonance
(MR) images, specifically MR tagging. In this paper we describe
a methodology for estimating cardiac deformations from 3D
ultrasound images. The images are segmented interactively and
then initial correspondence is established using a
shape-tracking approach. A dense motion field is then estimated
using an anisotropic linear elastic model, which accounts for
the fiber directions in the left-ventricle. The dense motion
field is in turn used to calculate the deformation of the heart
wall in terms of strain in cardiac specific directions. The
strains obtained using this approach in open-chest dogs before
and after coronary occlusion related to changes in blood flow,
show good agreement with previously published results in the
literature. This proposed method provides quantitative regional
3D estimates of heart deformation from ultrasound images.
BibTeX Entry
author = "X. Papademetris and A. J. Sinusas and
D. P. Dione and J. S. Duncan",
title = "{3D} Cardiac Deformation from Ultrasound Images",
booktitle = "Medical Image Computing and Computer Aided Intervention (MICCAI)",
address = "Cambridge, England",
year = "1999",
pages = "420-429",
month = "September"}
Pengcheng Shi, Albert J. Sinusas, R. Todd Constable and
James S. Duncan.
International Journal of Computer Vision, November 1999.
Non--rigid motion estimation from image sequences is essential in
analyzing and understanding the dynamic behaviors of physical
objects. One important example is the dense field motion analysis of
the cardiac wall, which could potentially help to better understand
the physiological processes associated with heart disease and to
provide improvement in patient diagnosis and treatment. In this paper,
we present a new method of estimating volumetric deformation by
integrating intrinsic instantaneous velocity data with geometrical
token displacement information, based upon continuum mechanics
principles. This object--dependent approach allows the incorporation
of physically meaningful constraints into the ill--posed motion
recovery problem, and the integration of the two disparate but
complementary data sources overcomes some of the limitations of the
single image source based motion estimation approaches.
BibTeX Entry
author = "P. Shi and A.J. Sinusas and R. T. Constable and J.S. Duncan",
title = "Volumetric Deformation Analysis Using
Mechanics--Based Data Fusion: Applications in Cardiac Motion
journal = "International Journal of Computer Vision",
volume = "35",
number = "1",
pages = "65-85",
month = "November",
year = "1999")
Xenophon Papademetris, Pengcheng Shi, Donald P. Dione, Albert
J. Sinusas, R. Todd Constable, and James S. Duncan.
In the
proceedings of Information Processing in Medical Imaging
(IPMI)", Visegrad Hungary, 1999.
The estimation of soft tissue deformation from 3D image sequences is
an important problem in a number of fields such as diagnosis of heart
disease and image guided surgery. In this paper we describe a
methodology for using biomechanical material models, within a Bayesian
framework which allows for proper modeling of image noise, in order to
estimate these deformations. The resulting partial differential
equations are discretized and solved using the finite element
method. We demonstrate the application of this method to estimating
strains from sequences of in-vivo left ventricular MR images, where we
incorporate information about the fibrous structure of the
ventricle. The deformation estimates obtained exhibit similar patterns
with measurements obtained from more invasive techniques, used as a
gold standard.
BibTeX Entry
author = "X. Papademetris and P. Shi and D. P. Dione
and A. J. Sinusas and J. S. Duncan",
title = "Recovery of Soft Tissue Object Deformation using Biomechanical Models. ",
booktitle = "Information Processing in Medical Imaging",
address = "Visegrad, Hungary",
year = "1999",
pages = "352-357",
month = "June"}
Pengcheng Shi, Albert J. Sinusas, R. Todd Constable Eric Ritman and James .S. Duncan
IEEE TMI January 2000
We propose and validate the hypothesis that we can use differential
shape properties of the myocardial surfaces to recover dense field
motion from standard three--dimensional image data (MRI and
CT). Quantitative measures of left ventricular regional function can
be further inferred from the point correspondence maps. The
non-invasive, algorithm--derived results are validated in two levels:
the motion trajectories are compared to those of implanted
imaging--opaque markers of a canine model in two imaging modalities,
where sub--pixel accuracy is achieved, and the validity of using
motion parameters (path length and thickness changes) in detecting
myocardial injury is tested by comparison to post--mortem TTC staining
of myocardial tissue, where the Pearson product--moment correlation
value is 0.968.
BibTeX Entry
author = "P. Shi and A. J. Sinusas and R. T. Constable
and E. Ritman and J. S. Duncan",
title = "Point-Tracked Quantitative Analysis of
Left Ventricular Motion from {3D} Image Sequences",
journal = "IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging",
year = "2000",
pages="36-50" }
J.S. Duncan, P.Shi,
R.T. Constable, and A.J. Sinusas.
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 69(2-3):333--351, 1998.
Information about left ventricular (LV) mechanical performance is of
critical importance in understanding the etiology of ischemic heart
disease. Regional measurements derived from noninvasive imaging to
assist in assessing this performance have been in use for decades, and
certain parameters derived from these measurements often are useful
clinically, as they correlate to some extent with gross physiological
hypotheses. However, relatively little work has been done to date to
carefully understand the relationship of regional myocardial injury to
the local mechanical performance of the heart as derived from image
data acquired non- invasively for a particular patient in 3 spatial
dimensions over time. This paper describes efforts to take advantage
of recent developments in 3D non-invasive imaging and biome- chanical
modeling to design an integrated computational platform capable of
assembling a variety of displacement and velocity data derived from
each image frame to deform a vol- umetric model representation of a
portion of the myocardium. A brief description of both the reasoning
behind this strategy is put forth, as well as an overview of the
approach and some initial results are described.
BibTeX Entry
author = "J. S. Duncan and P. Shi and R. T. Constable and A. Sinusas",
title = "Physical and Geometrical Modeling for Image-Based Recovery
of Left Ventricular Deformation",
journal = "Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology",
volume = "69",
number = "2-3",
pages = "333-351",
year = "1998")
Visually Interactive Cine-3D Segmentation of Cardiac MR Images
Xenophon Papademetris, James Rambo, Donald P. Dione, Albert J. Sinusas
and James S. Duncan.
Supplement to the Journal of the American College of
Cardiology Volume 31, Number 2 (Supplement A) February 1998.
A Handout that was given during the poster session is available on-line.
BibTeX Entry
author = "X. Papademetris and J. V. Rambo and D. P. Dione and
A. J. Sinusas and J. S. Duncan",
title = "Visually Interactive Cine-{3D} Segmentation of Cardiac {MR} Images",
journal = "Suppl. to the J. Am. Coll. of Cardiology",
volume = "31",
number = "2. Suppl. A",
month = "February",
year = "1998"}
Meyer F.G., Constable R.T., Sinusas A.J., Duncan J.S.
Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 15, No. 4, August 1996, pages
In this paper, we propose a new approach for tracking the deformation
of the Left Ventricular (LV) myocardium from two-dimensional Magnetic
Resonance (MR) phase contrast velocity fields. The use of phase
contrast MR velocity data in cardiac motion problems has been
introduced by others [1] and shown to be po tentially useful for
tracking discrete tissue elements, and therefore characteri zing LV
motion. However, we show here that these velocity data i.) are
extremely noisy near the LV borders and ii.) cannot alone be used to
estimate the motion and the deformation of the entire myocardium due
to noise in the velocity fields . In this new approach, we use the
natural spatial constraints of the endocardia l and epicardial
contours, detected semi-automatically in each image frame, to h elp
remove noisy velocity vectors at the LV contours. The information
from both the boundaries and the phase contrast velocity data is then
integrated into a de forming mesh that is placed over the myocardium
at one time frame and then track ed over the entire cardiac
cycle. The deformation is guided by a Kalman filter t hat provides a
compromise between a.) believing the dense field velocity and the
contour data when it is crisp and coherent in a local spatial and
temporal sens e and b.) employing a temporally smooth cyclic model of
cardiac motion when cont our and velocity data are not
trustworthy. The Kalman filter is particularly wel l suited to this
task as it produces an optimal estimate of the LV's kinematics (in
the sense that the error is statistically minimized) given incomplete
and no ise corrupted data, and given a basic dynamical model of the
LV. The method has been evaluated with simulated data ; the average
error between tracked nodes and theoretical position was 1:8% of the
total path length. The algorithm has also been evaluated with phantom
data ; the average error was 4:4% of the total path length. We show
that in our initial tests with phantoms that the new approach sh ows
small, but concrete improvements over previous techniques that used
primaril y phase contrast velocity data alone. We feel that these
improvements will be am plified greatly as we move to direct
comparisons in in vivo and three-dimensional datasets.
BibTeX Entry
AUTHOR = "F. G. Meyer and R. T. Constable and A. J.
Sinusas and J. S. Duncan",
TITLE = "Tracking Myocardial Deformation Using Phase Contrast {MR}
Velocity Fields: A Stochastic Approach",
JOURNAL ="IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging",
VOLUME = "15",
NUMBER = "4",
MONTH = "August",
YEAR = 1996}
Pengcheng Shi, Glynn Robinson, R. Todd Constable, Albert J. Sinusas
and James S. Duncan.
Proceedings of the International Conference
on Computer Vision (ICCV) 1995.
Accurate estimation of heart wall dense field motion and deformation
could help to better understand the physiological processes associated
with ischemic heart diseases, and to provide significant improvement
in patient treatment. We present a new method of estimating left
ventricular deformation which integrates instantaneous velocity
information obtained within the mid-wall region with shape information
found on the boundaries of the left ventricle. Velocity information is
obtained from phase contrast magnetic resonance images, and boundary
information is obtained from shape-based motion tracking of the endo-
and epi-cardial boundaries. The integration takes place within a
continuum biomechanical heart model which is embedded in a finite
element framework. We also employ a feedback mechanism to improve
tracking accuracy. The integration of the two disparate but
complementary sources overcomes some of the limitations of previous
work in the field which concentrates on motion estimation from a
single image-derived source.
BibTeX Entry
author = "P. Shi and G. Robinson and R. T. Constable and A. Sinusas and J. Duncan",
title = "A Model-Based Integrated Approach to Track Myocardial Deformation
Using Displacement and Velocity Constraints",
booktitle = "Fifth International Conference on Computer Vision",
year = "1995",
pages = "687-692"}
Pengcheng Shi, Glynn P. Robinson, Amit Chakraborty, Lawrence H. Staib,
R. Todd Constable, Albert J. Sinusas and James S. Duncan.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision, Virtual Reality and Robotics in
Medicine (CVRMed), Nice, France April 1995.
This paper describes efforts aimed at developing a unified framework
to more accurately quantify the local, regional and global function of
the left ventricle (LV) of the heart, under both normal and ischemic
conditions, using four--dimensional (4D) imaging data over the entire
cardiac cycle. The approach incorporates motion information derived
from the shape properties of the endocardial and epicardial surfaces
of the LV, as well as mid--wall 3D instantaneous velocity information
from phase contrast MR images, and/or mid--wall displacement
information from tagged MR images. The integration of the disparate
but complementary sources of information overcomes the limitations of
previous work which concentrates on motion estimation from a single
image--derived source.
BibTeX Entry
author = "P. Shi and G. Robinson and A. Chakraborty and L. Staib and R. T. Constable
and A. Sinusas and J. Duncan",
title = "A Unified Framework to Assess Myocardial Function from {4D} Images",
booktitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science: First
International Conference on Computer Vision, Virtual Reality,
and Robotics in Medicine",
year = "1995",
pages = "327-337"}
J. McEachen, F. Meyer,R. Constable, A. Nehorai and J.S. Duncan
Proceedings of the International Conference
on Computer Vision (ICCV) 1995.
P. Shi, G. Robinson, and J. Duncan.
In the proceedings of the IEEE conference on Visualization in
Biomedical Computing, Rochester MN, Oct 1994.
This paper describes efforts aimed at more objectively and accurately
quantifying the local, regional and global function of the left
ventricle (LV) of the heart from four-dimensional (4D) image
data. Using our shape-based image analysis methods, point-wise
myocardial motion vector fields between successive image frames
through the entire cardiac cycle will be computed. Quantitative LV
motion, thickening, and strain measurements will then be established
from the point correspondence maps. In the paper, we will also briefly
describe an in vivo experimental model which uses implanted
imaging-opaque markers to validate the results of our image analysis
methods. Finally, initial experimental results using image sequences
from two different modalities will be presented.
BibTeX Entry
author = "P. Shi and G. Robinson and J. Duncan",
title = "Myocardial Motion and Function Assessment Using {4D} Images",
booktitle = "Visualization in Biomedical Computing",
year = "1994",
pages = "148-159"}
J. McEachen, A. Nehorai and J.S. Duncan
BibTeX Entry
author = "J. C. McEachen II and A. Nehorai and J. S. Duncan",
title = "A recursive filter for temporal analysis of cardiac motion",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Biomedical Image Analysis",
year = "1994",
pages = "124-133"}
Sonomicrometer Papers
This is related work on obtaining cardiac strains from implanted
D.P. Dione, P.Shi,
W.Smith, P.De Man, J.Soares, J.S. Duncan, and A.J. Sinusas.
In 19th Annual
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Society}, pages 848--851, Chigago, IL, March 1997.
Understanding how the left ventricle deforms in 3D and how
this deformation is altered with coronary occlusion may lead
to the development of non-invasive imaging techniques to
determine the extent of permanent injury. To determine
regional 3D strains in the left ventricle of the heart we
employed digital sonomicrometry, with high temporal and
spatial resolution. Two cubic arrays of 8 omni-directional
transceiver crystals were implanted in two regions of the left
ventricle in an open chest canine preparation ($n=6$).
Additional crystals were used to define a fixed external
reference space and the long axis of the ventricle. Using
ultrasound transit time the distances between all the crystals
were recorded. A multidimensional scaling technique was then
applied to transform the distances to 3D crystal coordinates.
A least squares fit of the displacement field was applied to
calculate homogeneous strains for each cube. Cardiac specific
directions were determined and strains rotated into the local
coordinate space. This technique was applied pre- and post-
coronary occlusion. Alterations in strain patterns were
evident in the ischemic region and subtle temporal changes in
the control region. Thus, digital sonomicrometry, with high
temporal and spatial resolution, enhances our ability to
analyze regional left ventricular 3D strain patterns.
BibTeX Entry
author="D. P. Dione and P. Shi and W. Smith and P. De Man and J. Soares
and J. S. Duncan and A. J. Sinusas",
title ="Three-Dimensional Regional Left Ventricular Deformation
from Digital Sonomicrometry",
booktitle = "19th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering
in Medicine and Biology Society",
address= "Chigago, IL",
pages = "848-851",
year = "1997",
D. Meoli, R. Mazhari, D. P. Dione, J. Omens, A. McCulloch, and
A. J. Sinusas.
In Proceedings of IEEE 24th Annual Northeast
Bioengineering Conference, pages 64--67, 1998.
This paper describes a three-dimensional (3D) digital sonomicrometry
approach for locating and tracking 3D objects. A commercial digital
sonomicrometry system was employed to measure scalar distances between
omni-directional sonomicrometers. 3D coordinates were then derived using
the statistical technique of multidimensional scaling (MDS). 3D digital
sonomicrometry was directly compared with biplane radiography of the
ultrasound crystals for estimation of 3D distances in static phantoms and
in vivo using an experimental canine preparation. An excellent
correlation (r=0.992) was seen when comparing inter-crystal distances
derived from biplane radiography and sonomicrometry 3D coordinate data in
the gel phantom. A Bland-Altman analysis shows that the average difference
in coordinate determined distance between these two different
methodologies was only 0.63$\pm$0.46 mm, over a range of inter-crystal
distances of 3.14 to 17.28 mm. In the in vivo canine preparation, the
correlation between the sonomicrometry derived and biplane derived
distances was also excellent (r=0.992) with a slope of 1.05 and an
intercept of 0.06. The Bland-Altman analysis shows that the average
difference in coordinate determined distance between these two different
methodologies was only 0.78$\pm$0.74 mm, over a range of inter-crystal
distances of 2.90 to 27.66 mm. We have demonstrated the feasibility of
accurately measuring scalar distances using 3D digital sonomicrometry.
Digital sonomicrometry combines high spatial and temporal resolution with
availability and portability to accurately measure distances in a closely
packed array of implanted piezoelectric crystals.
BibTeX Entry
author = "D. Meoli and R. Mazhari and D. P. Dione and J. Omens and
A. McCulloch and A. J. Sinusas",
title = "Three Dimensional Digital Sonomicrometry: Comparison with
Biplane Radiography",
booktitle = "Proceedings of IEEE 24th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference",
year = "1998",
pages = "64-67" }
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